MANNS Traders

The MANNS Traders, is a united team of visionary, experienced and knowledgeable leading professional traders, floor brokers, risk managers, specialists units Options pioneers and leading designers of protective market strategies, super traders, a variety of agricultural markets experts (master producers and scientists, etc.), dedicated and energized veteran professionals with over 15 years each minimum in the world trading arenas.
A solid Commodity floor Brokerage & Price Risk Management team, with world class backing, clearing and International presence, providing dedicated boutique style services with a high level of professionalism and customer care: Timely execution of trades-when seconds count, Markets insight and Round the clock support and direct access to a supportive team of dedicated professionals who care, servicing clients as a united force since 1984.
The MANNS TRADERS Mission is to offer clients access to a wealth of resources, provide superior design, advise and execution of strategies using the latest most practical market tools and protective strategies: Through the use of techniques involving the least amount of risk, integrated to our proprietary protective strategies, hedging programs, Futures & Options instruments, financial & agricultural market solutions and practical tools in underlying commodities, that assist to improve price risk exposure for business and institutional clients, alike. For client's hedging and risk management objectives, and that help protect the return on Investment goals in Managed Commodities and capital formation in the commodity markets.
Our Philosophy
The MANNS Traders management ... believes that, in an environment where business lives or dies by the numbers, a firm needs more than a just game plan: it needs access to a dedicated team of experienced, knowledgeable and visionary professionals who care, and who continuously design practical current market tools and protective strategies that optimize clients profitability and Return on Investment potential, while limiting price Risk exposure. A Team who is alert and willing to face the toughest fights in the world price trading battles ...
“During economic lack-luster rates and poor returns,
“Managed Futures & Options diversify and enhance
the opportunities for returns on investment, though
the use of techniques involving the least amount of
risk, integrated to our proprietary protective strategies”. .
DISCLAIMERS: The information contained in any reports has been taken from trade and statistical services and other sources which we believe are reliable. All the Traders8 Network research team members and its affiliates do not guarantee that such information is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. Any opinions expressed reflect judgments at this date and are subject to change without notice. The principals of MANNS Traders, the Chicago Traders, and others associated or affiliated with it may recommend or have positions which may not be consistent with the recommendations made. Each of these persons exercises independent judgment in trading, and readers are urged to exercise their own judgment in trading. Please report all queries to 1(312) 787-7897, 787-7898, Caridad@traders8.com
Options & Futures trading involve risk and are not suitable for everyone, past performance are not indicative of future results. For information on the characteristics and risks of options, and a copy of the risk disclosure document titled, "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options", Contact Cari G Manns at Traders@Traders8.com